My very own site! You're on it right now.
Blazingly fast and built with Responsive Web Design in mind, the layout adapts to your screen size. Go ahead and give it a try!
I picked the initial color mode based on your browser's preference but check out the dark / light mode switcher at the top right if you feel like switching things up!
WATcher is a sister application to CATcher to be used to monitor software projects in a visual way, for educational use in particular.
This is an open-source project under the NUS-OSS initiative. I made several major contributions, including:
Speeding up the data fetching service, reducing first contentful paint from minutes to seconds.
Making improvements to the user interface to improve visual clarity and user experience.
Central hub for forming, planning and organising group work.
Key features include managing projects, events and tasks, both at an individual and project level. Check out the promotional video if this sounds interesting!
It is a complete full-stack web application with a React frontend and Golang backend with RESTful architecture. More details can be found in the Project Documentation.
Statistics on your repositories.
It is a complete full-stack web application with a Svelte frontend and Golang backend with RESTful architecture. More details can be found in the blog post!
It also generates neat SVG banners for your repository.
Unique app that presents users with a series of simple selection quizzes covering a wide range of socially unique and intriguing questions.
Built in a 24-hour hackathon, Hack&Roll 2024.
Create, edit, tag, sort, re-arrange, filter, remove your tasks easily.
Features a login system, 3 themes to choose from, a variety of options, with configurable defaults!
Our website helps users find parking spots in their area, with a simple search.
Our website allows the user to enter their current location (or any location) into a search bar and then returns them the top 5 car parks in that area ranked by parking lot availability.
Manage contacts and tasks in a single application with ease.
A contact and task management desktop application, built with Software Engineering principles in mind!
Can't have too many todo-list applications...
A todo-list desktop application, built with Software Engineering principles in mind!
LinkTree & as a single service.
Hope you don't mind dying.
A short rogue-like game where you fight your way through multiple levels and eventually beat the final boss!
Hopefully you don't actually need 50 deaths to finish the game...
Very difficult platformer where the player can shift between 2 forms, allowing for different interactions with different blocks.
Developed as part of NUS Games Development Group's GameCraft 2017 24-hour hackathon where the theme was 'shift'.