CS2105 Notes
AY2022/2023 Semester 2,
written by See Toh Jin Wei
#nus #cs2105
Summary Notes
Available here in PDF.
Internet Protocol Stack
- Application
- Supporting network applications
- Transport
- Process-process data transfer
- Logical communication between processes
- Implemented in End System (because need to inject IP / port)
- Network
- Routing of datagrams from source to destination
- Logical communication between hosts
- IP, ICMP, routing protocols (BGP, OSPF, RIP)
- routing protocols are partially Application Layer
- Link
- Data transfer between neighbouring network elements
- Ethernet, WiFi, PPP, ARP (but partially Network layer too)
- Physical
Network Paradigms
Packet-Switching Paradigm
- Packet Transmission Delay = time needed to transmit L-bit packet into link = L/R
- Packets of length L bits
- Transmission rate R (bits / second) aka link capacity, aka link bandwidth
- Routing: Determines source-destination route taken by packets (decided by routing algorithms)
- Forwarding: Move packets from router's input to appropriate output
Circuit-Switching Paradigm
- End-end resources allocated to, reserved for "call" between source and destination.
- No sharing of resources
- Circuit segment idles if not used by call
- Used by traditional telephone networks
Internet Structure
Network of Networks.
- Access Nets
- Access nets => regional net => ISP
- Access nets => ISP
- ISP => IXP (Internet Exchange Point)
- ISP <=> ISP (Peering Link)
- Content Delivery Network covers everything, bypassing tier-I and regional ISPs
- Router
- For communication to OTHER local area networks
- Switch
- For local area network
- Local connections don't go through router
- Hub
- Switch, but send same message to everyone (like a broadcast)
Packet Delay
- Nodal Processing dproc
- Check bit errors
- Determine output link
- Very fast
- Queueing Delay dqueue
- Time waiting at output link for transmission
- Depends on congestion level of router
- Transmission Delay dtrans
- Time for a packet to be transferred onto the physical link
- L: packet length (bits)
- R: link bandwith (bps)
- dtrans=L/R
- Propagation Delay dprop
- Time for a packet to travel along the physical link
- d: length of physical link
- s: propagation speed (~2∗108 m/sec)
- dprop=d/s
Rate (bits / time unit) at which bits are transferred. Rs and Rc are two pipes that the data is flowing through. Doesn't depend on file size.
Message Segmentation
Time = (time for first packet) + (delay between first and second packet) * (n - 1)
- delay between first and second packet is bottlenecked by slowest router's transmission rate
- ignore propagation (B start transmitting when A propagates)
- Can give way to higher priority packets
- Faster to verify the Checksum
- Easier to identify which part of the packet is corrupted
- Shorter length of message to resend
- Include sequence number in parallel streams
- Overhead of many segments
- Have to re-arrange and merge messages
- All packet switches doing work
Network Protocols
Client-Server Architecture
- Server
- Always-on host
- Permanent IP
- Data centers for scaling
- Client
- Communicates with server
- May be intermittently connected
- May have dynamic IP addresses
- Do not communicate directly with each other
P2P Architecture
- No always-on server
- Peers request and provide service to other peers
- Self scalability! New peers bring service capacity & demand
- Peers are intermittently connected and change IP addresses, very complex management
- Process: program running within a host
- Within same host, two processes communicate using inter-process communication (defined by OS)
- Processes in different hosts communicate by exchanging messages
- Client-Server
- Client process initiates communication
- Server process waits to be contacted
- Process can have multiple ports for different purposes!
- Socket: process sends/receives messages from socket
- destination IP address + source IP address + port numbers => identifies socket
TCP Service
- Reliable data transport (correct & ordered)
- Flow control: sender won't overwhelm receiver
- Congestion control: throttle sender when network is overloaded
- Does not provide timing, minimum throughput guarantee, security
- Connection-oriented: requires setup
- Reliable byte stream, connection-oriented
UDP Service
- Unreliable data transfer
- Does not provide: reliability, flow control, congestion control, timing, minimum throughput guarantee, security, connection setup
- Unreliable datagram, connectionless
HTTP uses TCP connection. HTTP is stateless, requests are independent.
- Client initiates TCP connection.
- Server accepts TCP connection from client.
- HTTP messages exchanged between browser and Web Server.
- TCP connection is closed.
Note: need to fetch the HTML file itself first before the other objects / resources on the page.
Non-Persistent HTTP
- At most one object sent over TCP connection, then it's closed
- Downloading multiple objects require multiple connections
Connection: close
- Default for HTTP 1.0
Persistent HTTP
- Multiple objects can be sent over single TCP connection between client, server
- Can send distinct web pages, as long as from same web server
- Default for HTTP 1.1
Connection: keep-alive
Response Time
- RTT (round trip time): time for a small packet to travel from client to server and back
- HTTP response time
- One RTT to initiate TCP connection
- One RTT for HTTP request and first few bytes of HTTP response to return
- = 2RTT + file transmission time
- If non-persistent: 2 RTT per object
- If persistent: 1 RTT to initiate connection + 1 RTT per object
HTTP Request Message
GET /index.html HTTP/1.1\r\n
Host: www-net.cs.umass.edu\r\n
User-Agent: Firefox/3.6.10\r\n
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml\r\n Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5\r\n Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate\r\n Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7\r\n Keep-Alive: 115\r\n
Connection: keep-alive\r\n
method sp URL sp version cr lf
header-field-name value cr lf
header-field-name value cr lf
cr lf
HTTP Response Message
HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2010 20:09:20 GMT\r\n Server: Apache/2.0.52 (CentOS)\r\n Last-Modified: Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:00:02
Content-Length: 2652\r\n
Keep-Alive: timeout=10, max=100\r\n Connection: Keep-Alive\r\n
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-
1\r\n data
data data data data data ...
- Content-Length only includes the length of the content, not the Header
HTTP Methods
- HTTP/1.0
- HTTP/1.1
- Uploads file in entity body to path specified in URL field
- Deletes file specified in URL field
- Cookie header line of HTTP response message
- Cookie header line in HTTP request message
- Cookie file kept on user's host, managed by browser
- Some information is stored on the server (sometimes), but not stored as a cookie
- Backend database of website
Use of Cookies
- Authorisation
- Shopping carts
- Recommendations
- User session state
Web Caches (Proxy Server)
Satisfy client request without involving origin server.
Conditional GET
- In request header, include
if-modified-since: <date>
- If object is not modified before
, server returns 304 Not Modified
with an empty message body
- Otherwise, returns as normal
DNS: Domain Name System
Mapping between domain names (or canonical name) and IP address.
Distributed, hierarchical database
- Client wants to find
- Client queries
server to find .com
- Client queries
server to get amazon.com
- Client queries
server to get www.amazon.com
IP address
Root name servers are contacted by local name server that cannot resolve name. Provides IP address of TLD servers.
TLD servers are responsible for com
, org
, net
, edu
, country domains, etc...
Authoritative DNS servers provide authoritative hostname to IP mapping for organisation's named hosts. Can be maintained by organisation or service provider.
- Local DNS servers are not in global hierarchy of distributed database (because it can be private!!).
Query Resolution
- Iterated Query
- Server only returns you the IP address of the next server
- Used in practice
- Recursive Query
- Server recursively asks other servers until it obtains the final IP address, then returns it
- Not used in practice because heavy load on upper levels of hierarchy
- Essentially double the work
- Local DNS server sends / issues iterative queries to other DNS servers, but responds to / processes your query in a recursive way.
DNS Caching
- Name server caches mapping (including Local DNS server)
- Cache entries timeout after some TTL (time to live)
- TLD servers typically cached in local name servers
- So root name servers are not visited often
- Cached entries may be out of date!
- hostname => IP mapping may only be up to date once all TLLs expire
Socket Programming
Port Number
- 16-bit integer (0 to 1023) are reserved for standard use.
Socket Programming with UDP
- No handshaking before sending data
- Sender explicitly attaches (IP destination address) and (port number) with each packet
- Receiver extracts (sender IP address) and (port number) from each packet
- May be lost or received out-of-order
- Unreliable datagrams
DNS (port number 53) resolving uses UDP.
UDP Client
from socket import *
server_name = "hostname"
server_port = 12000
client_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) # for ipv4, for UDP
message = "blah"
client_socket.sendto(message.encode(), (server_name, server_port)) # encode to byte array
recv_message, server_address = client_socket.recvfrom(2048) # receive up to 2048 bytes
decoded_message = recv_message.decode()
UDP Server
from socket import *
server_port = 12000
server_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
server_socket.bind(("", server_port)) # empty IP address defaults to localhost
while True:
message, client_address = server_socket.recvfrom(2048)
modified_message = modify(message.decode())
server_socket.sendto(modified_message.encode(), client_address)
Socket Programming with TCP
- Client must perform handshake
- Server must be running and have a welcome socket
- TCP server creates new socket for each client
- Source port numbers / connection are used to distinguish clients
- No need to explicitly send (IP address) + (port number)
TCP Client
client_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) # for TCP
client_socket.connect((server_name, server_port))
recv_message = client_socket.recv(1024)
TCP Server
server_socket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
server_socket.bind(("", server_port))
server_socket.listen(1) # maximum number of connections
while True:
connection_socket, addr = server_socket.accept() # waits for connection
connection_socket.close() # close connection to THIS client
UDP Transport-Layer
UDP: User Datagram Protocol
- On top of IP:
- Adds connectionless multiplexing / de-multiplexing
- Adds checksum
- Unreliable, but more performant
- Often used by streaming multimedia apps (loss tolerant & rate sensitive)
- Application implements error detection and recovery mechanisms to achieve reliable transmission
Why UDP?
- No delay of establishing connection
- Simple: no connection state
- Small header size
- No congestion control
<-- 32 bits -->
Source Port # | Dest Port #
Length | Checksum
- Length = payload length (in bytes), including header (header is always 8 bytes)
UDP / TCP Checksum
- Treat UDP segment as sequence of 16-bit integers
- Includes Header + Payload + Pseudo-Header (source address / destination address)
- Apply binary addition on every 16-bit integer
- Carry (if any) from MSB will be added to result
- Compute 1's complement (flip every bit) => UDP Checksum
Creating Reliable Data Transfer
- Underlying channel perfectly reliable
- No bit errors
- No loss of packets
- Underlying channel may flip bits (corrupt packet)
- Use Checksum to detect this
- Receiver explicitly
and NAK
- Sender retransmits packet on
- Problem: cannot detect duplicate packets
rdt2.1: rdt2.0 + packet sequence
- Sender adds sequence number (0 or 1) to each packet
- Receiver discards duplicate packet
rdt2.2: NAK-free
- Instead of NAK, receiver sends
or ACK1
(include sequence number)
- Sender retransmits current packet if duplicate
- Underlying channel can lose packets (data, ACKs) -> in addition to corruption
- Sender waits a "reasonable" amount of time (close to RTT) for ACK
- Requires countdown timer
- Retransmits if no ACK received
- Sender ignores duplicate ACKs (already know it's received) & corrupted ACKs (let timer resolve it)
- Receiver must ACK duplicate packet (otherwise will be livelock, because sender will keep retransmitting), receiver can ignore corrupted packets (must send feedback by definition of rdt3.0, but doesn't actually break the correctness of the protocol, just treat it as lost)
- Correct, if messages are not reordered (reasonable assumption if sender and receiver are connected by a single wire)
- To rectify:
- Use a 32-bit sequence number to lower chance of reuse
- Use a Time-To-Live (TLL) field that decreases by one each time the datagram arrives at a router
- Once this field reaches 0, discard the datagram
Pipelined Protocols
Go-Back-N (GBN)
aka Sliding Window Protocol
Re-transmits (up to) everything even if only one packet is dropped!
Go-Back-N Sender
- Use k-bit sequence number [0,2k−1]
- "Window" of up to N consecutive un-ACK'd packets are allowed
- Single timer for oldest in-flight packet
- When timeout, retransmit entire window
- If received ACK of 1: resend [2,2+N−1]
Go-Back-N Receiver
- Always ACK for correctly-received packet with highest in-order sequence number (cumulative ACK) - not expected
- Only need to remember the expected sequence number
- Out-of-order packet
- Just discard
- Still sends ACK for packet with highest in-order sequence number
Selective Repeat
- Receiver individually acknowledges all correctly received packets
- Buffers out-of-order packets
- If in-order
- Deliver packet + buffered packets to application
- Advance window to next not-yet-received packet
- Sender maintains timer for each unACK'd packet
- When timer expires, only retransmit that packet
- IF ACK'd packet is the smallest unACK'd packet, advance window base to next unACK'd packet
- Views for Sender and Receiver might not be consistent!
TCP Transport Layer
- Fully duplex data: bi-directional data flow (no sender or receiver)
- Both sides have sending & receiving buffers
- Reliable, in-order byte stream: no message boundaries
- Maximum Segment Size (MSS): maximum application-layer data a TCP segment can carry (typically 1460 bytes)
- Limited by Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) (1500 bytes for Ethernet)
- Retransmissions are triggered by:
- timeout events
- 3 duplicate ACKs (total 4 ACKs)
- Still useful even if links are reliable:
- All links are reliable, but malicious or full routers can lose packets.
- Data taking different paths can lead to re-ordering.
<-- 32 bits -->
Source Port # | Dest Port #
Sequence Number
Acknowledgement Number
head UAPRSF| rwnd
Checksum | urgent_data_pointer
options (variable length)
Application Data (variable length)
- Sequence number of first byte
- Initial sequence number is randomly chosen
consumes an extra sequence number
does not consume sequence numbers
- Acknowledgement number: sequence number of next expected byte (from other side)
length of header in 32-bit words (4 bits)
- minimum size is 5 words, maximum size is 20 words, allows for up to 40 bytes of options
- reserved / unused space (4 bits)
urgent data (not generally used)
acknowledgement bit: 1 if valid acknowledgement field, 0 if should ignore (only for first packet of set-up)
push data now (not generally used)
setup, teardown commands
receive window: # bytes receiver is willing to accept
- Used for congestion control
- Same checksum as UDP's checksum
- TCP spec doesn't mention how receiver handles out-of-order segments (can choose to buffer)
Connection-Oriented Demux
- Same destination IP address + port => demultiplexed to different sockets
- Identified by (source IP, source port, dest IP, dest port)
TCP 3-way Handshake
- Client sends TCP with
bit, with SEQ = x
- Server sends TCP with
bit, with SEQ = y
, A = 1
, ACK = x+1
consumes a sequence number)
- Client sends TCP with
A = 1
, ACK = y+1
(might also send data)
TCP Closing Connection
- Client, Server each close their "sending side"
- Sends TCP segment with
FIN = 1
- Responds to
with ACK
, can combine with own FIN
- After closing, can no longer send data (except ACK)
- BUT, still receives data!
- After sending
for a FIN
, must wait 2 * max segment lifetime in case this last ACK
is lost!
TCP Sender
- Receive data from application
- Start single timer (if not already running) for oldest unACK'd segment
- Send the segment
- Re-transmits single segment when:
- Timeout (then, restart timer)
- Fast retransmission
- On receiving ACK
- If ACK acknowledges previously unACK'd segment: update known ACK'd segments
- Start timer if there are still unACK'd segments
TCP ACK Generation
Event at receiver | TCP receiver action |
Arrival of in-order segment with expected sequence number. All data up to expected sequence number has been ACK'd. | Delay ACK. Wait up to 500ms for next segment. If no segment, send ACK. |
Arrival of in-order segment with expected sequence number. One pending ACK'd. | Immediately send single cumulative ACK, ACKing both segments. |
Arrival of out-of-order segment with higher sequence number. Gap detected! | Immediately send duplicate ACK, indicating sequence number of next expected byte. |
Arrival of segment that partially or completely fills gap. | Immediately send ACK, provided that segment starts at lower end of gap. (fulfils cumulative ACK) |
TCP RTT, Timeout
- Timeout needs to be longer than RTT
- If too short: premature timeout, unnecessary retransmissions
- If too long: slow reaction to segment loss
Measure SampleRTT, the measured time from segment transmission until ACK receipt (ignoring retransmissions).
- EstimatedRTT=(1−α)∗EstimatedRTT+α∗SampleRTT
- Exponential weighted moving average
- Influence of past sample decreases exponentially fast
- Typically, α=1/8
- Typically, β=1/4
- DevRTT=(1−β)∗DevRTT+β∗∣SampleRTT−EstimatedRTT∣
- TimeoutInterval = EstimatedRTT + 4 * DevRTT
- EstimatedRTT + Safety Margin
TCP Fast Retransmit
- If sender receives 4 ACKS for same data (aka triple duplicate ACKs)
- Immediately resend unACK'd segment with smallest sequence number
Network Layer
- Forwarding (local behaviour): Move packets from router's input to appropriate router output
- Routing (global behaviour): Determine route taken by packets from source to destination using routing algorithms
- Data Plane (lower layer)
- local, per-router forwarding function
- determines how datagram arriving on router input port is forwarded to router output port
- Control Plane "brain" (upper layer)
- network-wide logic
- determines how datagram is routed among routers along end-end path from source host to destination host
- two approaches: (1) traditional routing algorithms (implemented in routers), (2) software-defined networking (SDN) (implemented in remote servers)
IP Addressing
Interface: connection between host / router and physical link
- routers typically have multiple interfaces
- host typically has one or two interfaces (wired Ethernet, or wireless WiFi)
- an IP address is associated with each interface
Subnet is a network formed by a group of "directly" interconnected hosts.
- hosts in same subnet can physically reach each other without intervening router
- connect to other subnets through router
- hosts in same subnet have same network prefix of IP address
Number of subnets = detach each interface from its host or router to create islands of isolated networks
CIDR: Classless InterDomain Routing
- arbitrary length for the subnet portion
, x
is number of bits in subnet portion of address
- <- network part (
bits) -><- host part (32 - x
bits) ->
- subnet mask = set all network bits to
and host bits to 0
, use bitwise AND to find network
- can represent as a single number, or in binary
- subnet mask of
matches everything
- Combining many subnets into one large subnet.
- Decreases the number of unusable (reserved) IP addresses!
Take the longest common prefix. This longest prefix will match all the above.
- Breakup a subnet into smaller subnets
- For organisation of subnets
- For example, each company has its own subnet
- Because communication within subnet use switch (not router!)
- Want to isolate each company's subnet
- Start from the biggest (or smallest) subnet
- find out how many bits are needed
- assign an appropriate prefix to it
- size must always be in power of 2
Special IPs
ISP gets blocks of addresses from ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers)
- allocates addresses
- manages DNS
- assigns domain names, resolves disputes
Special Addresses | Present Use |
---| | Non-routable meta-address for special use | | Loopback address.Datagram sent to localhost loops back inside the host | | Private addresses, can be used without coordination with Internet registry | | Broadcast address. All hosts on same subnet receive datagrams sent with this destination address. |
- first IP address is reserved for network address (name of the network)
- last IP address is reserved for broadcast
- gateway router can be any IP address - need not be the first usable one! (DHCP will let you know this IP address)
Hierarchical addressing: route aggregation. Just need to announce the block of IP addresses for an organisation / ISP.
- can announce multiple (to handle organisations switching ISPs)
- longest prefix matching, i.e. match the one with the higher
- there's a default route, usually to ISP's special website
2 ways to get IP address:
- Host's IP address is hard-coded by system admin.
- OR DHCP (don't need any configuration, dynamically obtain)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol: allows host to dynamically obtain IP address from network server when joining a network
- goal:
- can renew lease on address
- allows reuse of addresses (only holds address when someone is actively using it)
- support for mobile users
- overview - everything is broadcasted (only difference is 67 or 68)
- host broadcasts DHCP discover message (optional)
- uses source IP of
(because not assigned yet)
- server responses with DHCP offer message - containing a few IP addresses (optional)
- host requests IP address with DHCP request message
- uses source IP of
(because not assigned yet)
- server sends address with DHCP ack message
- after which, done, the host is officially assigned to that IP address
- also exists: DHCP renewal (request to re-use IP address) and DHCP release (give up IP address).
- DHCP can also return
- address of first-hop router for client
- name and IP address of DNS server
- network mask
- DHCP runs over UDP
- DHCP server port number: 67
- DHCP client port number: 68
Note: there might be multiple DHCP servers (offering at the same time), which is why everything must be broadcasted, so everyone is aware.
Even if a subnet is not using DHCP, router will relay it to a subnet with a DHCP server
<-- 32 bits -->
ver | IP datagram length
identifier | flags | fragment offset
TTL | upper_layer | header_checksum
source IP address
dest IP address
- ver (4 bits)
- IP datagram length (16 bits) - header + data
- identifier (16 bits) - for fragmentation / reassembly
- flags (3 bits)
- fragment offset (13 bits)
- TTL (8 bits) - number of remaining hops (decremented at each router), kills datagram when TTL = 0
- upper layer protocol (8 bits): TCP / UDP (violates upper-lower abstraction!)
- header_checksum (16 bits): only for IP header
- total: 20 bytes
IP Fragmentation
- Different links have different MTU (Max Transfer Unit) - maximum amount of data a link-level frame can carry
- IP datagrams have to be fragmented by routers (if too large)
- Reassembled only at final destination host
- Frag Flag set to 1 if there's a next fragment of same segment; 0 if this is last fragment
- Offset is expressed in units of 8-bytes (aka 64 bits)
- offset of DATA relative to beginning of original un-fragmented IP datagram, excludes header
IP + UDP Fragmentation
IP + TCP Fragmentation
- TCP anticipates IP fragmentation, TCP segments itself first such that IP fragmentation will never happen
- So, every segment will contain TCP header
- Happens in Transport Layer (knows the MTU through OS, or some other way)
NAT Table
Network Address Translation
- WAN (wide-area network) - the internet
- all datagrams leaving LAN have same source NAT ip address (with unique port number)
- Port numbers are from [0,216], but [0,210=1024] are reserved.
- LAN (local-area network)
- within LAN, hosts use private IP address to communicate
- Port numbers are from [0,216], none are reserved. So, can use any in that range!
NAT routers must
- outgoing: replace (source IP address, port number) of every outgoing datagram to (NAT ip address, new port number)
- store: remember in NAT table the mapping of the above
- incoming: replace (NAT ip address, new port number) in destination fields of every incoming datagram with corresponding (source IP address, port number) stored in NAT table
Motivations & Benefits & Cons
- only require one public IP for the NAT router
- all hosts use private IP address, can change these without notifying outside world
- can change ISP without changing addresses of hosts in local network
- hosts inside local network are not explicitly addressable and visible by outside world (protected by NAT router, good for security!)
- bad for peer to peer connections
Intra-AS Routing
AS = Autonomous Systems, normally tied to an ISP (i.e. Singtel, Starhub...)
- finds a good path between two routers within an AS
- single admin, no policy decisions needed
- routing focuses on performance
- commonly used: RIP, OSPF
- Cx,y = cost of link between routers x and y (infinity if not direct neighbours)
- Dx(y) = least-cost from x to y
- Du(z)=mina∈N{c(u,a)+Da(z)}
- where N is 1-hop neighbourhood
- At t = 0
- all nodes have distance estimates to nearest neighbours only
- then, all nodes send their local distance vector to their neighbours
- At each next time interval
- all nodes receive distance vectors from neighbours (after some time interval)
- then, all nodes compute their new local distance vector
- then, all nodes send their local distance vector to their neighbours
- iterative, asynchronous: each local iteration caused by
- local link cost change
- distance vector update message from neighbour
- distributed, self stopping: each node notifies neighbours only when its own distance vector changes
- then, only propagate if necessary
- no new estimate => no actions taken
Implemented by RIP (Routing Information Protocol)
- uses hop count (total number of intermediate routers) as cost metric
- insensitive to network congestion
- exchanges routing table every 30 seconds over UDP port 520
- self-repair: if no update from neighbouring router for 3 minutes, assumes neighbour has failed
- can split paths for equal-cost links (cannot do more advanced load balancing)
Inter-AS Routing
not covered in-depth in CS2105
- handles interface between ASs
- admin often wants control over how traffic is routed, who routes through net, etc
- security policy over performance
- de facto standard protocol: BGP
Internet Control Message Protocol: used by hosts & routers to communicate netowrk-level information
- error reporting: unreachable host / network / port / protocol
- echo request / reply (used by
ICMP messages are carried in IP datagrams, ICMP header starts after IP header. It is in the transport layer, but only used for network stuff. (still considered network layer)
ICMP Header = type + code (sub-type) + checksum + others
Type | Code | Description |
8 | 0 | echo request (ping) |
0 | 0 | echo reply (ping) |
3 | 1 | dest host unreachable |
3 | 3 | dest port unreachable |
11 | 0 | TTL expired |
12 | 0 | bad IP header |
* some of the ICMP types and codes
checks if remote host will respond (i.e. is there a connection?)
sends small packets, with different TTL, to attempt to display routes to get to a remote host
- might need to run a few times to get all possible routes
Link Layer
- Framing
- Link access control
- Error detection
- Error correction (without retransmission)
- Reliable delivery (often used on error-prone links like wireless)
Link layer is implemented in "adapter" (aka NIC) or on a chip - Ethernet card, or WiFi adapter. Adapters are semi-autonomous, implementing both link & physical layers.
Different link-layer protocols may be used on different links, each providing different set of services.
Data link layer has responsibility of transferring datagram from one node to physically adjacent node over a link.
Error Detection
Parity Checking: Single Bit
For even parity scheme, sender includes one additional bit that is such that the total number of 1
s in the d + 1
bits is even. Can only detect odd number of single bits errors. Works very well in theory, but errors are clustered together in "bursts" in practice. So, the probability of undetected errors approaches 50%, not good enough!
Parity Checking: 2D
Split d bits into i rows and j columns. A parity value is computed for each row and column, and a final di+1,j+1 that is the parity bit for the column parity and row parity bits.
- detect and correct single bit errors in data (the row and column bits align)
- detect any two bit error (two possibilities)
- detect all three bit error, consider two bit, but try to hide it by using one of the corners, but can only hide one of the errors
- cannot detect all four bit error
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
- D: d data bits, viewed in binary
- G: generator of r+1 bits, pre-agreed by sender and receiver
- R: the r bit CRC, left-pad with 0 until r bits
- no carries for addition, no borrows for subtraction. both addition and subtraction becomes XOR
- take the D/G to get R. use long division
- sender sends (D,R), receiver performs (D,R)/G, if non-zero remainder, there's an error
- performance
- detects all odd number of single bit errors
- CRC of r bits can detect
- all burst errors of less than r+1 bits
- all burst errors of greater than r bits with probability 1−0.5r
CRC is hardware-optimised, but not efficient for software, so not used in transport and network layers.
Network Links
- point-to-point link
- sender and receiver connected by dedicated link
- Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Serial Line Internet protocol (SLIP), no need for multiple access control
- broadcast link (shared medium)
- multiple nodes connected to shared broadcast channel
- when a node transmits a frame, the channel broadcasts the frame, and every other node receives a copy.
- collision if a node receives two or more signals at the same time (cannot distinguish!)
Ideal Access Protocol
- Collision Free
- Efficient: when only one node wants to transmit, it can send at rate R
- Fairness: when M nodes want to transmit, each can send at average rate R/M (equally shared)
- Fully Decentralised: no special node required (no single point of failure)
- Must use channel itself to coordinate (cannot use some out-of-band / external means of channel signalling)
Channel Partitioning Protocols
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA)
- each node gets fixed length time slots in each round
- length of time slot = data frame transmission time
- if unused, time slot is idle
- used in GSM
- Collision Free: yes
- Inefficient
- unused slots are idle
- maximum throughput is R/N
- Fairness: perfectly fair
- Decentralised (but, there's a need to synchronise clocks, difficult to implement in practice because of latency)
Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA)
- channel spectrum is divided into frequency bands
- each node assigned a fixed frequency band
- if unused, frequency band is idle
- used in radio, satellite systems
- Collision Free: yes
- Inefficient
- unused slots are idle
- maximum throughput is R/N
- Fairness: perfectly fair
- Decentralised
Taking Turns Protocols
- master node polls each node in round-robin fashion
- master informs node i it can transmit up to some maximum number of frames
- assumes no malicious actor
- star topology
- used for Bluetooth (phone is master, accessories are slaves)
- Collision Free: yes
- Almost fully efficient
- overhead of polling, cannot achieve exactly R
- Fairness: perfectly fair
- Decentralised: NO, there exists a master node
Token Passing
- token is passed from node-to-node sequentially
- when a node receives a token
- if have frames to transmit: hold on to the token and sends up to a maximum number of frames and then forwards token to next node
- else: forward token to next node immediately
- used in FFDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface), Token Ring
- Collision Free: yes
- Almost fully efficient
- overhead of token passing, cannot achieve exactly R
- Fairness: perfectly fair
- Decentralised: YES
- Downsides
- token loss can be disruptive (due to data frame loss, system bugs)
- node failure can break the ring
- not a simple protocol to implement
Random Access Protocols
- when a node has data to send
- transmits at full channel data rate R
- no a priori coordination among nodes
- protocol specifies
- how to detect collisions
- how to recover from collisions
Slotted ALOHA
- all frames are of equal size, L bits
- time is divided into slots of equal length
- length = time to transmit 1 frame = L/R
- nodes only start transmitting at beginning of slot
- time is synchronised at each node
- when a node wants to send
- wait until beginning of next time slot and transmits the entire frame
- if no collision: success
- if collision: retransmit the frame in each subsequent slot with probability p until success
- used in wireless packet switched network (ALOHAnet)
- Collision Free: no
- Efficient?
- yes, when only one node is active
- no, when there are many active nodes (because of collision) - maximum efficiency is only 37% with best chosen p
- slots are wasted because of collision and being empty
- Fairness: perfectly fair
- Decentralised: Yes
Pure (Unslotted) ALOHA
ALOHA, but no time slots, no synchronisation.
- when a node wants to send
- transmit immediately
- if no collision: success
- if collision: wait for 1 frame transmission time, retransmit with probability p until success
- chance of collision increases, frame sent at t0 collides with (t0−1,t0+1), doubles the range of collision
- same as Slotted ALOHA, but maximum efficiency is worsened to 18%
Carrier Sense Multiple Access
aka CSMA / CA (Collision Avoidance)
- before transmission:
- if channel sensed idle: transmit entire frame
- if channel sensed busy: defer transmission
- can still collide because of propagation delay (because nodes don't hear each other immediately)
- used by WiFi
- half duplex: cannot listen and send at the same time
- not ideal if most nodes are likely to transmit frequently
CSMA / CD (Collision Detection)
- if channel sensed idle: transmit entire frame
- if channel sensed busy: defer transmission
- if collision detected: abort transmission
- retransmit after a random delay using Binary Exponential Backoff
- after mth collision, choose K at random from [0,2m−1]
- waits K frame units, each frame unit is 64 bytes = 512 bits (minimum frame size), take frame unit divide by speed of Ethernet to get frame unit
- retransmission attempts to estimate current load
- more collisions imply heavier load, so use a longer back-off interval
- used in (now-obsolete) Ethernet
- full duplex because wired, can distinguish between parties
- has a minimum frame size so that can detect when collisions occur (Ethernet uses 64 bytes)
- Collision Free: no
- Efficient: yes
- Fairness: yes
- Fully Decentralised: yes
Every adapter (NIC) has a MAC address (aka physical or LAN address).
NIC = Network Interface Card; ROM = Read-Only Memory
- used to send and receive link layer frames
- when an adapter receives a frame, checks if destination MAC address of the frame matches its own
- if yes, adapter extracts the enclosed datagram and passes it to protocol stack
- if no, discard
- MAC address is typically 48-bits, burned in NIC ROM (sometimes software settable, but most devices don't let you configure it)
- typically in hexadecimal, i.e. 5C-F9-DD-E8-E3-D2
- MAC address administered by IEEE (first 3 bytes identifies vendor of an adapter)
- broadcast address: FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF (all
- duplicate MAC addresses in the same subnet is problematic and will be severely disrupted (doesn't matter if not in same subnet)
Local Area Network (LAN)
Computer network that interconnects computers within a geographical area.
- IBM Token Ring
- Ethernet (dominant) - everything is sent through The Ether
- series of standards developed over the years with different speeds and physical layer media (cable, fibre optics)
- MAC protocol and frame format remain unchanged
- WiFi
- etc
Ethernet Frame Structure
- preamble - 8 bytes
- 7 bytes with
+ 1 byte with 10101011
(start of frame)
- only differs by the last bit
- used to synchronise receiver and sender clock rates (the interval between these bytes provides a square wave pattern)
- destination address - 6 bytes
- source address - 6 bytes
- type - 2 bytes
- indicates network-layer protocol used (might not be IP)
- allows Ethernet to multiplex network-layer protocols
- analogous to protocol field in network-layer datagram, port-number fields in transport-layer segment
- data - 46 to 1500 bytes
- minimum size to ensure collision will always be detected
- CRC - 4 bytes
Ethernet Reliability
Unreliable because receiving NIC doesn't send ACK or NAK to sending NIC. Requires TCP usage in higher-layer to ensure this.
Ethernet Topology
Bus Topology
- original Ethernet LAN used coaxial bus
- broadcast LAN
- all transmitted frames received by all adapters connected to the bus (all nodes can collide)
- if backbone cable is damaged, entire network fails
- difficult to troubleshoot problems
- very slow and not ideal for larger networks (due to a lot of collisions)
Star Topology
- Hub - nodes physically connect to this
- popular in 1990s, deprecated now
- physical-layer device that acts on individual bits rather than frames
- when a bit arrives: re-creates the bit, boosts its energy strength, transmits bit onto all other interfaces
- cheap, easy maintenance (due to modular design)
- very slow and not ideal for larger networks (due to a lot of collisions)
- Switch - nodes physically connect to switch
- popular since 2000s
- data-link layer device, acts on frames
- no collisions, bona-fide store-and-forward packet switch
- selectively forwards frame to one-or-more outgoing links (based on incoming frame's MAC address)
- store and forward Ethernet frames
- uses CSMA / CD to access link
- transparent: hosts are unaware of presence of switches
- do not need to be configured!
- handles multiple simultaneous transmissions:
- nodes have dedicated, direct connection to switch (no collisions!)
- switches buffer packets
- Ethernet protocol used on each incoming link (but no collisions)
- A-to-B and C-to-D can transmit simultaneously
- switches can be connected in hierarchy
- unmanaged switches do not require MAC address or IP address
Switch Forwarding Table
Format: <MAC address of host, interface to reach host, TTL>
- when frame is received, switch learns location of sender, records this in the table
- when frame is received
- record incoming link, MAC address of sending host
- index switch table using MAC destination address
- if entry is found
- if destination on segment from the frame which arrived: drop the frame
- else: forward frame to interface stored in entry (unicast)
- else: flood (broadcast) to all interfaces (except arriving interface)
- if it's a switch, that switch will handle it
- if it's a host, that's already the host
ARP - Address Resolution Protocol
Find 48-bit MAC address with 32-bit IP address.
Each IP node has an ARP Table, <IP address, MAC address, TTL>
Router, Host all require ARP table. Switch only requires Forwarding Table.
Only stores information for some neighbouring hosts in same subnet (LAN).
- Same Subnet
- If A knows B's MAC address from its ARP table
- Create a frame with B's MAC address and send it
- Only B will process this frame (others will ignore even if they receive it)
- A does not know B's MAC address
- A broadcasts an ARP query packet, containing B's IP address
- destination MAC address of
(broadcast address)
- All other nodes (in subnet) will receive it, but only B will reply
- B replies to A with its MAC address (unicast to A's MAC address)
- A caches B's IP-to-MAC address mapping in its ARP table (until TTL expires)
- Then, do as for case 1
- Different Subnet - Gateway Router R will handle connection between subnets
- A creates IP datagram with IP source A, destination B
- A creates link-layer frame with R's MAC address as destination address, frame contains A-to-B IP datagram
- If don't know R's MAC address, do ARP for it
- R receives frame and passes the datagram to IP
- R forwards datagram with IP source A, destination B
- R creates link-layer frame with B's MAC address as destination address, frame contains A-to-B IP datagram (only Ethernet frame changes, IP header and everything above doesn't change)
Network Security
Somewhere between Application and Transport layers.
- confidentiality: no eavesdropping, i.e. only sender and intended receiver should understand the content
- authentication: sender and receiver can confirm identity of each other
- message integrity: any alteration must be easily detected
- access and availability: services must be accessible and available to users
- Symmetric Key Cryptography = sender and receiver uses same key
- Asymmetric Key Cryptography (aka Public Key Cryptography) = sender and receiver uses different key
- do not share secret key, encrypt with public, decrypt with private (or vice versa)
- slow compared to symmetric
- in practice, one party creates a symmetry key, and uses RSA to transfer it, then uses that symmetric key as the session key
Cipher text shouldn't reveal any information about the original message. Has been shown that the key needs to be at least as long as the original message to leak 0 information.
- Caesar's Cipher: each character
position (wrapped-around), only 25 possible values
- Mono-alphabetic Cipher: mapping of 26 letters to set of 26 letters, only 26! mappings
- broken through Statistical Analysis by using letter frequency
- Poly-alphabetic Cipher: use multiple mappings that cycle
- define n substitution ciphers and a cycling pattern, e.g. C1,C3,C4,C3,C2 (can repeat, and this pattern cycles on infinitely)
- character 1 uses first, character 2 uses second, etc... (space doesn't increment the pattern)
- Block Cipher: process in K-bit blocks, each block is encrypted independently using a one-to-one mapping, 2K! number of keys
- DES: Data Encryption Standard, with 56-bit symmetric key, 64-bit block (broken in less than a day)
- 3DES: DES but encrypt 3 times with 3 different keys
- AES: Advanced Encryption Standard, 128, 192, 256 bit keys, 128-bit block
Breaking Encryption
- ciphertext only attack: attacker has ciphertext to analyse
- known plaintext attack: attacker has plaintext corresponding to ciphertext
- chosen plaintext attack: attacker can get ciphertext for any chosen plaintext
RSA: Rivest, Shamir, Adleman Algorithm
- choose two large prime numbers, p, q (1024, or 2048 bits long)
- compute n=pq, z=(p−1)(q−1)
- choose e (e<n) such that it has no common factors with z, aka relatively prime (randomly generate until find a valid e, OR generate a prime number)
- choose d such that edmodz=1 (ed−1 is exactly divisible by z)
- public key is (n,e), private key is (n,d)
Encryption & Decryption
- to encrypt message m (m<n): compute c=memodn
- to decrypt encrypted c: compute m=cdmodn
- (memodn)dmodn=m
Message Integrity
Uses Cryptographic Hash Functions
- H(.) takes large (unbounded size) input m and produces fixed-size message digest / fingerprint
- computationally infeasible to find any two different messages x and y such that H(x)=H(y).
- pre-image resistance
- given hash output, can't find original message
- second pre-image resistance
- given hash(m1) = h, very hard to find m2 such that hash(m2) = h as well
- collision resistance
- hard to find m1 and m2 such that hash(m1) = hash(m2), and m1 != m2
- small change in input should result in large change in hash output
- passwords are hashed using similar techniques, that's why you cannot recover the original password
- common ones
- MD5 (cryptographically broken), still used for non-critical uses (e.g. websites share MD5 hash for file downloads)
- SHA-1 (deprecated, cryptographically broken)
- SHA-2, SHA-3
Message Authentication Code
- Cannot just send (m,H(m)) because attacker can replace with (m′,H(m′)) and it won't be detected
- Send (m,H(m+s)) instead, where s is the authentication key
Digital Signature
- digital signature: sign with private, decrypt with public
- verifiable: receiver can check the signature
- unforgeable: no one else can generate this message (because private key) - non-repudiation (sender can't claim he didn't send it)
- optimisation: only sign message digest H(m) because signing long stuff is more expensive
- good for bandwidth & computation; still sufficient
Certificate Authorities (CA)
CA maintains public database of everyone's public key.
CA signs its messages with its own private key. The public key of CAs are hardcoded into Operating System, as a list of Trusted Root Certificate Authorities.
- E (person or router) registers its public key with CA
- E provides a proof of identity to CA
- CA creates certificate binding E to its public key, this contains E's public key digitally signed by CA
Firewall isolates organisation's internal net from larger Internet, allowing some packets, while blocking others.
- prevents DoS (Denial of Service) attacks: SYN flooding with bogus TCP conenctions
- prevents illegal modification / access to internal data
- allow only authorised access to inside network
- internal network connected to Internet via router firewall (both IN and OUT)
- router filters packet-by-packet, decides to forward / drop packets based on (network & transport layer)
- source & destination IP address
- TCP / UDP source and destination port numbers
- ICMP message type
- TCP SYN & ACK bits
- examples
- no outside web access: drop all outgoing packets to any IP address, port 80
- prevent network from being used for a smurf DoS attack: drop all ICMP packets going to a "broadcast" address (e.g.
- prevent network from being tracerouted: drop all outgoing ICMP TTL expired traffic
- limitations
- IP spoofing: router can't know if data really comes from claimed source
- can become bottleneck (can use multiple firewalls instead, but costly)
- tradeoff: degree of communication with outside world VS level of security (e.g. nuclear rocket computers not connected to Internet)
- many highly protected sites still suffer from attacks (might provide a false sense of security)
Access Control Lists (ACL)
Table of rules applied top to bottom.
action | source address | destination address | protocol | source port | destination port | flag bit |
allow | 222.22/16 | outside of 222.22/16 | TCP | > 1023 | 80 | any |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
deny | all | all | all | all | all | all |
Application Types
- streaming stored: can begin playout before downloading entire file
- stored at server / CDNs, can transmit faster than audio / video will be rendered
- pre-processing done to optimise this
- conversational (two-way live): interactive
- delay more than 400ms is intolerable
- streaming live (don't have to be real-time, 10s delay is fine)
Data is transmitted over-the-top (over the Internet, as compared to cable / broadcast / satellite)
* applicable for both video and audio
Videos are sequences of images displayed at a some constant rate. Digital image: array of pixels, each pixel represented by bits. Videos have high bit rate. To reduce data usage, compress the video by using redundancy.
- reducing redundancy
- Spatial coding (within image): aggregate pixels of the same colour
- Temporal coding (between two frames): only send the delta of the frames
- reduces the size of each frame, number of frames remain the same
- bit rate
- Constant Bit Rate (CBR): fixed video encoding rate (might be wasteful)
- not responsive to complexity of video
- bitrate need to be high enough to handle the most complex segments of video
- well-suited for real-time encoding because of consistency
- Variable Bit Rate (VBR): encoding rate changes with spatial, temporal coding
- well-suited for on-demand video because can pre-process data, and can buffer data
Sampled at constant rate, each sample is quantised (rounded) to a value represented by bits. (i.e. 256 quantised values require 8 bits, so with 8,000 samples / sec => 8,000 * 8 = 64,000 bps)
Streaming Stored Content
- constraints
- Continuous Playout Constraint: once client playout begins, playback must match original timing, even with network delay being variable.
- allow client interactivity: pause, fast-forward, rewind, jumping, etc...
- video packets may be lost / retransmitted
- application playback buffer to buffer content, let fill rate = x(t), average fill rate = xˉ, playout rate = r
- if xˉ<r: buffer eventually empties (video freezes until buffer fills)
- if xˉ>r: buffer will not be empty provided initial playout delay is large enough to absorb variability in x(t)
- initial playout delay tradeoff:
- buffer starvation less likely with larger delay
- but larger delay until user can start watching
- buffers data for smooth playback, client can play any part of this buffer (NOT the same as TCP buffer, TCP buffer is for storing out-of-order segments)
- RTP = Real-Time Transport Protocol
- Delivers interactive data
- Purpose: time-stamp, sequence and mixing (combining video with audio)
- UDP because speed is most important, don't need to be reliable
- RTCP = RTP Control Protocol
- Delivers statistics and control information (non-interactive)
- How many bits, quality of bitstream
- Delivered over next odd UDP port number that the RTP stream uses
- RTSP = Real-Time Streaming Protocol
- Used to establish and control media sessions during endpoints.
- Setup
- Play / stop
- Change quality
- TCP because requires reliability, but not necessarily speed
- Need to make sure the setup is correct
Streaming through UDP
- server sends at (often constant) rate appropriate for client
- push-based streaming (server push)
- UDP has no congestion control
- occasional loss of data won't affect future data because no-resending
- only requires short playout delay (2-5 seconds) to remove network jitter
- error recovery depends on application level
Streaming through HTTP
- multimedia file retrieved via HTTP GET
- pull-based streaming (client pull)
- sends at maximum possible rate under TCP
- advantages
- HTTP / TCP passes more easily through firewalls
- network infrastructure (CDNs and Routers) are optimised for TCP
- drawbacks
- fill rate fluctuates due to TCP congestion control, retransmissions (need to ensure in-order)
- larger playout delay required
Voice Over IP (VoIP)
- higher delays are noticeable, impairs interactivity
- < 150ms: good, > 400ms: bad
- includes application level delays
- network loss: IP datagram lost due to network congestion
- delay loss: IP datagram arrives too late for playout (just discard)
- data loss over 10% makes conversation unintelligible
- modern networks rarely have data losses > 10%, so this isn't really an issue
- only sends chunks when during talk spurts (vs silent periods); 20ms chunks at 8Kbytes / second: 160 bytes of data
- application-layer header added to each chunk: chunk + header is then encapsulated into UDP or TCP segment
- packet lengths are ~20ms (fraction of a syllable!); low to minimise impact of packet loss, at a tradeoff for efficiency
Fixed Delay Playout
- receiver attempts to playout each chunk exactly q ms after chunk was generated
- if chunk has timestamp t, play at t+q
- if chunk arrives after t+q: discard
- no value of q is optimal
- larger q: less packet loss
- smaller q: better interactive experience
- estimate network delay, adjust playout delay at beginning of each talk spurt
- silent periods compressed and elongated (audio might feel sped up, or slowed down)
- chunks still played out every 20ms during talk spurt
- adaptive playout delay: EWMA (Exponentially Weighted Moving Average)
- delay estimate after ith packet = di=(1−α)di−1+α(ri−ti), ri is time received, ti is timestamp (time sent), α is small constant (e.g. 0.1)
- estimate of average deviation of delay after ith packet = vi=(1−β)vi−1+β∣ri−ti−di∣
- calculated for every received packet, but used only at start of talk spurt: playout-time for ith packet = ti+di+4vi (so q=di+4vi)
- every chunk has (1) sequence number & (2) timestamp (implemented in application layer)
Forward Error Correction (FEC)
Using ACK / NAK is too slow because one RTT is too slow!
Simple FEC
- for every group of n chunks
- create redundant chunk by XOR-ing n original chunks
- send n+1 chunks (including this redundant chunk)
- can reconstruct original n chunks if at most one lost chunk, lost chunk = XOR of everything that was received
- drawback: increased bandwidth by 1/n factor, and receiver has to wait for an extra chunk before playout
Piggyback Scheme
Send lower resolution audio stream as redundant information, i.e. nominal stream PCM at 64kbps, but redundant stream GSM at 13kbps.
- non-consecutive loss: receiver can conceal loss
- no redundancy overhead, but increases playout delay (need wait for more chunks), even without error
HTTP Streaming
Video on Demand (VoD) video streaming increasingly uses HTTP streaming. Can just GET the whole video file, but wasteful because requires a large client buffer. Also, cannot have different encoding of videos to account for variation in device and network bandwidth.
Most VoD uses either DASH or Apple's HLS (HTTP Live Streaming).
Dynamic, Adaptive Streaming over HTTP.
- Server
- divides video file into multiple chunks
- each chunk stored and encoded at different rates
- manifest file (Media Presentation Description - MPD): provides URLs for different encodings
- Client
- periodically measures server-to-client bandwidth
- consults manifest to request one chunk at a time
- chooses maximum coding rate sustainable for current bandwidth - Adaptive Bitrate Algorithm (ABR) (user can override this)
- can change coding rates at different points in time
Client determines
- when to request chunk, to avoid buffer starvation & overflow
- what encoding rate to request
- where to request chunk (picker closest URL server that has the highest availability)
Pros & Cons of DASH
- pros
- server is simple: no state to maintain
- no firewall problem because HTTP
- standard image web caching works
- cons
- DASH is based on media segment transmissions, typically 2-10 seconds in length
- by buffering a few segments at the client side, DASH cannot support low latency for interactive two-way applications (Zoom calls)
Content Distribution Networks (CDNs)
- single large mega-server (doesn't scale!)
- single point of failure, and network congestion
- potentially long path to distant clients
- multiple copies of videos over outgoing link
- store / serve multiple copies of videos at multiple geographically distributed sites (CDN)
- enter deep: push CDN servers deep into many access networks (typically at ISPs, close to users)
- bring home: smaller number (10's) of larger clusters in IXPs near, but not within access networks
- TCP / UDP Segment = TCP / UDP Header + Data
- IP Datagram = IP Header + Segment
- Link Layer Frame = encapsulation of IP datagrams in header + footer
- Packet = no strict definition (so, it's all of these)